(a.5) TVC for Farmdeck
Technologies Helping Change the Future of Farming
01 – Task
Farm Deck is a new technology tool and app to help farmers manage staff, tasks, paddock rotations and water efficiently.
This online technology changes the future of how farmers work, saving time and money. The call to action is a 30-day trial.
The TV campaign depicts farmers testimonials and different scenarios to how the technology helps them. There were 6 TV commercials in total which ran across various regional areas; these included Orange Dubbo and Wagga Wagga on Prime, WIN and SCA as well as Imparja across the Australian Outback.
Pairing with digital marketing made this campaign a great success and Farmdeck now have a growing marketshare in the farming technology sector.
TV Commercials – 3x 30 sec & 3x 15 sec
TV Campaign Australia Wide
Digital Marketing
02 – Work
30 Sec TV Ad
Farmdeck 30s TV Ad Version 1
30 Sec TV Ad
Farmdeck 30s TV Ad Version 2
30 Sec TV Ad
Farmdeck 30s TV Ad Version 3
15 Sec TV Ad
Farmdeck 15s TV Ad Version 1
15 Sec TV Ad
Farmdeck 15s TV Ad Version 2
15 Sec TV Ad